Parental Control

How to block a phone number? is a question that many parents ask. And who would not? We have all received unwanted calls, from unknown numbers, from the tireless companies that pretend to sell us their telephony packages at an incredibly low price (or so they say), or even hidden numbers that we do not know what they want.

Many of you may have encountered problems with the Huawei and Honor devices of your children. The SecureKids application can be closed! How is this possible? Although SecureKids work perfectly in Android, not all devices that have Android work just as they have slightly modified versions of this operating system.

If you have found that SecureKids can be closed on your child’s device, in case your child has a Xiaomi device or a device with a MIUI ROM, you should take the following steps to prevent the application from being disabled. All this is due to the memory management that have these types of distributions.

Many parents are fed up with having their kids hang out with their cell phone or tablet, surfing the internet, talking to their friends about WhatsApp, or just playing their favorite game. This concern of the parents is normal, since the overexposure of the minors to the use of their mobile devices can be dangerous.

Knowing how to block a website on a mobile or tablet device can be an arduous task. The vast majority of people do not even know where to start. Is there a service that can do this? Do they have to do it themselves? Or can you even do it? If you are one of these people do not worry, because here’s how to block a website (yes, any page), in a very simple and easy way.

The feature which is the most important of all to me (and they are quite some ;)) is the SecureKids Stats. Using this feature you can check how much time your children spend using their devices. What’s even more, you can see when, how and, most of all, on what your children spend their time while using their phones.

There are a lot of minors with Android devices, either because there is a wider price range or because the domain this Google Operating System has on the market. What is clear is the fact that many parents choose this type of devices for their children and in many cases it is the first time the minors have a technological device owned by them.

Even though has a great number of features, there is always something you could miss, either because we can’t do everything or because there are some features we are not able to improve or develop. This is the case of Youtube, as it belongs to the almighty Google, it has its own parental control to control the videos minors can watch.