How to protect your children from inappropriate content on the internet 09/12/2015

According to Oxford, to educate is to give intellectual, moral, and social instruction to someone, especially a child. When it comes to the Internet, educate is teaching, show and guide, never the act of hiding. Secrets make things more attractive, and parents should guide and show their children the good path of the Internet. Educating your child to have a healthy and safe experience on the Internet doesn’t mean hiding malicious or inappropriate content, but make them realise whether the content is appropriate for them or not.

padre e hijo internet

Some months ago, on , we published about tips on how to properly use the Internet among minors.
In that article, we included different tips so children could use the net safely. In this article, we go even further and we show some tips to protect your children from inappropriate content when browsing on the internet.

And, on the internet, as in the rest of technology, parents should establish limits for their children. Since they are born, the content they consume is thoroughly checked by parents, just like parents watch their children eat healthy, watch appropriate content on TV and play in an educational way, they also want to keep them safe on the internet and it should be controlled.

A father or mother knows that some types of games are not suitable for children, nor is watching Big Brother on TV, for instance. For this reason, parents should be aware of what their children watch or consume on the internet, an aspect which worries society and it’s extremely difficult to control and manage.

Tips to protect your children from inappropriate content on the internet according to the guide for children

The main idea is to let the children know there are limits. They can’t access any website they want. Those limits or boundaries have to be established by you. On this website they offer and share some tips on how to control in a positive way your children’s access to the internet. Among all of them, the most effective are these ones:

  • Keep the device your children use in a common space in the house
  • It’s essential to establish a timetable to use your computer, tablet or any other device.
  • Share your computer time with your children.
  • Teach how to create strong passwords.
  • Convince your children not to share their age, address or phone number on the internet.
  • Check browsing history.
  • Enable all security systems and parental controls such as .
  • Advise minors to not accept strangers on the internet.
  • Fill a complaint of any dangers to the Police.


All of this above is the ideal way to educate our children on the internet. Some months ago, The State Secretary in Security offered data on children’s internet consumption, which can be summed up to , a fact which reveals children are alone facing dangers.