En la era tecnológica en la que vivimos, los niños tienen contacto con los dispositivos electrónicos desde sus primeros años. Aunque los móviles y tablets pueden ser herramientas de gran utilidad, también son una puerta a una cantidad ilimitada de contenido inapropiado para los pequeños de la casa.
Internet Grooming
What is Internet Grooming?

Internet Grooming happens when an adult tries to gain the affection and the attachment of a child with the goal of getting sexual content using social media.
In many cases, the adult performing internet grooming can pretend to be another child or teenager with the purpose of getting his/her confidence in a easier way. This process may last weeks or even months in some cases, with the goal of befriending the child or gaining the child's friendship step by step, as a way to receive compromised content from them. Sometimes, this content can be obtained using threats, and after succeeding, it can be used to blackmail them with the obtained content in order to get even more content.
Internet Grooming is considered the first steps of sexual abuse, as the ultimate goal of this practice is the sexual satisfaction of the adult.
How can we fight Internet Grooming?
Avoid uploading images or personal information on social media, as you can be more vulnerable against strangers.
Avoid your photos or personal info from being stolen, protect your computer with antivirus, update your software frequently and create strong passwords. In these articles we teach you how to make stronger passwords and to protect your computer against threats.
Never yield against blackmail, because it would only worsen the child's condition. Also, it would improve the abuser status which would have great suggestive power.
In case the information was already stolen (pictures, videos or any other sort of data) ask for help to an adult of trust or somebody prepared for this kind of situations (parents, teachers, the police...)
Reduce the abuser power by restricting the possibility of this situation from happening again. Make a deep clean of the device, removing any malware it may have and changing the passwords in a more strong way if possible.
Gather every evidence you can use to demonstrate this crime, make screenshots of conversations, messages, everything that can prove it.
Finally, fill a complaint form to the authorities, it’s the only way to avoid this abuser from continuing harassing the child or other children.
El Grooming es un grave problema, sobre todo cuando esta práctica se inclina hacia Sexting. Se sabe que el índice de contenido sexual de menores cada vez es mayor y hace falta una solución.
Para poder reaccionar ante un peligro como el Grooming y otros que ocurren en internet, te recomendamos llevar una relación natural con tu hijo y conversar con él para mantenerlo informado.
El problema que más se repite de forma actual en los menores es el Grooming, y no solamente para extorsionarlos para sacar beneficio monetario, sino para el mayor número de casos abusar sexualmente de la víctima.
Nowadays, we can see how often in the networks there are challenges that become viral.
Sometimes they are for good cause like the “Ice Bucket Challenge” where you had to throw buckets of ice water to raise awareness about the ELA. But these challenges do not remain here, there are also other ones that can lead to serious injuries.
Some Android devices have a feature which allows to add new users on the same device. Using this feature, someone who is not the smartphone owner can use it in a quick way without having to make major changes on the device.
A parental control is essential in today’s society with all the devices minors have at their reach.
The fact minors get devices at an earlier age makes this type of services more than necessary.
From earliest ages, the youngest of the household begin to use devices with Internet access. These devices give the possibility of evolve to teaching, but they can also imply serious dangers of which we have to be aware of both parents and children.
Check your questions and doubts on the Internet Segura 4 Kids phone
Today I bring good news to all of you, especially for the little ones at home and their families. There is already a phone number you can call to check your doubts and questions about security and the threats of the internet! It’s a completely free phone number. It has been created to solve your doubts and answer your questions about safety and threats of the internet. It’s aimed not only at parents and educators, but also at kids and teenagers who might need it.
According to Oxford, to educate is to give intellectual, moral, and social instruction to someone, especially a child. When it comes to the Internet, educate is teaching, show and guide, never the act of hiding. Secrets make things more attractive, and parents should guide and show their children the good path of the Internet.