El problema que más se repite de forma actual en los menores es el Grooming, y no solamente para extorsionarlos para sacar beneficio monetario, sino para el mayor número de casos abusar sexualmente de la víctima.
¿Qué es un ransomware?
Es un tipo de malware (programa dañino) que restringe el acceso a determinadas partes del sistema, o a sus archivos personales, y para poder recuperar el acceso total al sistema se exige un rescate, normalmente suele consistir en el pago de una gran suma de dinero o criptomonedas.
Las consolas y los videojuegos son uno de los principales entretenimientos para los niños y no tan niños. Sin embargo hay un número de personas a las que les es complicado jugar debido a alguna discapacidad que tenga, que les hace imposible manejar el mando.
En la actualidad, no es raro que en más de una ocasión hayas oído hablar del internet de las cosas. Quizás no sepas de qué se trata, pero te aseguro que aún sin saberlo se encuentra en tu entorno.
When it comes to babies, we get into a complete whole new world, we ignore most of the facts about them and the reason is that we interact with adults and kids mostly on a daily basis. This explains why we know so little about babies!
Nowadays, we can see how often in the networks there are challenges that become viral.
Sometimes they are for good cause like the “Ice Bucket Challenge” where you had to throw buckets of ice water to raise awareness about the ELA. But these challenges do not remain here, there are also other ones that can lead to serious injuries.
Some Android devices have a feature which allows to add new users on the same device. Using this feature, someone who is not the smartphone owner can use it in a quick way without having to make major changes on the device.
Check your questions and doubts on the Internet Segura 4 Kids phone
Today I bring good news to all of you, especially for the little ones at home and their families. There is already a phone number you can call to check your doubts and questions about security and the threats of the internet! It’s a completely free phone number. It has been created to solve your doubts and answer your questions about safety and threats of the internet. It’s aimed not only at parents and educators, but also at kids and teenagers who might need it.
Smartphones, as well as many other devices, are already fully in the daily lives of people of all ages. They are very useful tools for many things, but they can also become very dangerous if they are not used properly.
In a previous article we talked about how to activate Google Play parental control. In this article we will tell you another functionality that we can activate within Google Play. Let’s talk about the recently released Play Protect, the antivirus provided by Google Play directly on our devices.