A estas alturas, no creemos que sea necesario explicarle a nadie que el covid 19, llevamos meses escuchando el impacto y la evolución que está teniendo esta pandemia, y de la importancia que tiene mantener la distancia social, las mascarillas, etc… ¿Pero estas medidas son suficientes? ¡Tus dispositivos electrónicos podrían ser un foco de infección!
New Parents
Una de las maneras de dar seguridad a nuestros hijos en el uso de las nuevas tecnologías es precisamente que entiendan cómo funcionan y que sean capaces de tomar decisiones conociendo las repercusiones de sus acciones.
Las consolas y los videojuegos son uno de los principales entretenimientos para los niños y no tan niños. Sin embargo hay un número de personas a las que les es complicado jugar debido a alguna discapacidad que tenga, que les hace imposible manejar el mando.
En la industria existe una gran variedad de recursos para controlar el bienestar de los niños, entre los cuales destacan los dispositivos vigilabebés. Tanto si los padres están en casa con el bebé, como si se ven obligados a dejarlo al cuidado de un tercero, los vigilabebés o babyviwes en inglés, permiten disponer de contacto auditivo y visual con él.
Nowaways, most of us have access to the internet, and we are able get connected anywhere in the world. We can enjoy all the benefits of the internet anywhere in the world thanks to the new technologies.
We can get connected to the internet from our smartphones that practically all of us have in our pockets or from home with landline-free broadband conections.
Every year, about 3 million children are treated in hospitals for injuries sustained at home as a result of falls, furniture tip-overs and toy-related injuries, according to the Safe Kids Worldwide Home Safety Fact Sheet of 2015.
Today is the night of Hallowen. It’s a wonderful party so you do not have to worry about mobile devices. That is why we are not going to talk about parental control or child protection, not even about technology or mobile devices. In this interesting list, we will collect funny games so that the youngest of the house enjoy a night of fear.
Children protection is vital for every parent. We know that in SecureKids, for this reason we created an app for parents to protect their children no matter where they are.
From earliest ages, the youngest of the household begin to use devices with Internet access. These devices give the possibility of evolve to teaching, but they can also imply serious dangers of which we have to be aware of both parents and children.
Check your questions and doubts on the Internet Segura 4 Kids phone
Today I bring good news to all of you, especially for the little ones at home and their families. There is already a phone number you can call to check your doubts and questions about security and the threats of the internet! It’s a completely free phone number. It has been created to solve your doubts and answer your questions about safety and threats of the internet. It’s aimed not only at parents and educators, but also at kids and teenagers who might need it.