SecureKids’ Features
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How can SecureKids help you
It’s really easy to set up SecureKids parental control, you don’t have to be an expert, nor have any knowledge on the matter, just be willing to protect your children. This is because we consider it’s crucial to expand the parental control use in every house, so we are constantly improving the usability of the management panel, so parents can control and monitor their children’s devices in a useful, fast and handy way.
With SecureKids you can take on many prevention tasks on the minors devices such as allowing or blocking apps on the device, filter web contents, for example sexually explicit content, activate safe searches, manage the incoming and outcoming calls or monitor the statistics of use of the mobile or tablet.
SecureKids parental control works as a tool to educate children, allowing them to be in a comfortable and safe environment.
96% of children lose attention during lessons because of mobiles.
70% use mobile devices during lunch.
58% admit to be more attracted to the use of mobile devices than to spend time studying.
33% are constantly thinking about their mobile devices.
56% always use their mobile phones during lessons.
88% suffer anxiety when they don’t receive quick replies to their messages.